Founded by 3 partners supported by HPQ Silicon read the press release

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By fostering partnerships that align with our vision, Novacium leverages collective expertise, infusing our projects with diverse industry knowledge to accelerate their progress. Together, we are poised to usher in a new era of sustainable energy solutions that will leave a lasting impact on our planet for future generations.

Join us in this transformative journey towards a greener, more sustainable world.

Get in touch


Site AXEL’ONE – Plateforme Procédés Innovants
Bâtiment Andésite

Les Levées, Rond-Point de l‘Echangeur
69360 Solaize / France


[email protected]


+33 (0)4 28 27 03 65

Opening hours

Monday – Friday:
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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[email protected]

So, how can we help you?

Jed Kraiem
Chief Operating Officer
Office : +33 (0)4 28 27 03 65
[email protected]

Our experienced team is available.

Whether you have questions about how we can help, our advanced technologies, or anything else — we’re here for you. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will promptly be in touch.

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